One Flea Spare
Finding emotion and intimacy in unforgiving environments.
In the Fall of 2020, I participated in the “One Flea Spare Project,” wherein departments from several universities tasked their design students to design sets for the play “One Flea Spare” by Naomi Wallace. The play follows a group that is isolated in a home during an ongoing plague, and the shifting emotions brought about by their isolation. In creating this set, I drew inspiration from old castles, particularly Pidhiritsi Castle in Ukraine, and antique dollhouses - this was to create a solid, isolated environment, while the open dollhouse style allows the viewers to see into the group’s intimate moments. Some of the more prominent visual research can be found below.

Physical Model
This model was created using standard matboard and foamcore, and is to 1/8” scale, corresponding to the Vectorworks drawings. In creating the physical model, I created custom textures in Photoshop from stock photos of the visual research castles, to give the walls more realistic texturing.